Tag Professional Cleaning

Commercial Cleaning in Salt Lake City: Cleaning a Warehouse

commercial cleaning in salt lake city

In two years (2020-2022), warehouse fatalities went from 21 to 46 annually. This is according to data from the Bureau of Labor and Statistics. Worse, over five percent of warehouse workers experienced workplace injuries in 2022.

This may not seem like much, but that “small” percentage can cost the warehousing industry about $84 million weekly. That’s not an amount to sneeze at.

So, how can you prevent these fatalities and injuries? One tried and trusted way is by keeping your warehouse clean and organized. This is where commercial cleaning Salt Lake City professional service come in.

They ensure that your warehouse is clean and safe to work in. Look at how professional cleaners tackle the challenging job of cleaning a warehouse.

Why Hire Commercial Cleaners in Salt Lake City for Your Warehouse?

When you get commercial cleaning in Salt Lake City for your warehouse, there are certain things you can expect from them. 

Some of them include: 

#1. Assessment and Planning

Before starting any cleaning job, professional cleaners thoroughly assess the warehouse. They identify high-traffic areas, places that require special attention, and any safety hazards. 

Using the results of this assessment, they create a detailed cleaning plan to ensure that no corner is left untouched.

#2. Clearing the Space

The first step in cleaning a warehouse is to clear the space of any obstacles. This includes moving equipment, pallets, and other items to create a clear path for cleaning. 

In doing this, professional cleaners use specialized equipment to safely move items without causing damage. This includes forklifts and pallet jacks. 

#3. Dust and Debris Removal

Warehouses are often filled with dust and debris, which accumulate over time. As such, commercial cleaners in Salt Lake City use industrial-grade vacuums and sweepers. 

These can remove dust and debris from floors, shelves, and other surfaces. They also pay special attention to hard-to-reach areas, such as corners and overhead spaces.

#4. Cleaning High Ceilings and Walls

Warehouses typically have high ceilings and walls that require cleaning. Professional cleaners use ladders, lifts, and extension poles to reach these areas. 

This allows them to quickly remove dust, cobwebs, and other debris. They may also use specialized cleaning solutions to remove tough stains and grime.

#5. Floor Cleaning

Warehouse floors can accumulate dirt, oil, and other stains, making them slippery and unsafe. Therefore, commercial cleaners use industrial-grade floor scrubbers and cleaners to remove these stains and restore the floor’s shine. They may also apply a sealant to protect the floor and make it easier to clean in the future.

#6. Storage Area Cleaning

Warehouses often have storage areas, such as shelves and racks, that also need cleaning. Professional cleaners remove items from these shelves, clean them thoroughly, and organize them neatly. They also tend the shelves themselves to remove dust and debris.

#7. Restroom and Breakroom Cleaning

Many warehouses have restroom and breakroom facilities that require regular cleaning. Professional cleaners clean and sanitize these areas. This ensures that they’re safe and hygienic for your employees.

#8. Trash Removal

Commercial cleaning Salt Lake City professionals also remove trash in warehouses. They collect trash from bins throughout the warehouse. Then, they empty them into larger containers or dumpsters and ensure their proper disposal.

#9. Safety and Compliance

Professional cleaners are trained to follow safety protocols and regulations while cleaning warehouses. For one, they use appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE). This makes sure that cleaning products are used safely and correctly.

#10. Final Inspection

Once the cleaning is complete, professional cleaners conduct a final inspection. This allows them to ascertain that everything has been cleaned properly. As such, they can detect areas needing additional cleaning or attention.


Getting commercial cleaning in Salt Lake City with expertise in warehouse cleaning allows you to get the best service. 

Specifically, professional warehouse cleaners have the experience and tools to deliver top-notch services. As such, they ensure your warehouse is clean, safe, and organized.